Turki Al-Sheikh to Tow Caribbean Islands for Next Riyadh Season
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29 Sep 2024

Following the acclaim from Saudi Arabia's greatest intellectuals, both human and bot, for the land transport of three Boeing 737s from Jeddah to Riyadh—a feat so remarkable it trended on Twitter—the head of the Saudi Entertainment Authority, Turki Al-Sheikh, was so thrilled that he ordered the preparation of Boulevard Islands for Riyadh Season 2025, hosting four Caribbean islands. The best part: all four islands will be towed using clean energy, courtesy of the rowing strength of migrant workers.
The ships are set to be outfitted with recycled cotton threads to tow the islands to the Strait of Gibraltar. There, they will be dismantled at a naval base and transported across the strait to the Mediterranean, where they will be reassembled in Tartus. This will be part of a celebratory event marking the reopening of the Saudi embassy in Syria.
The islands will then be transported via National Geographic trucks across the Jordanian desert, itself given a generous grant from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A substantial prize will be awarded for the best video showing the trucks navigating a speed bump without the islands tipping over any of the signs advertising the generosity of the grant.
To enhance the realism of the season's events, the arrival of the islands will be preceded by the pumping of 250 cubic kilometres of Gulf water to transform popular neighbourhoods in Riyadh, such as Manfouha, Al-Batha, and Al-Shumaisi, to park the islands.