
Syrian Government Reassures Citizens: The Earthquake is Not the End

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Syrian Government Reassures Citizens: The Earthquake is Not the End image

The Syrian Ministry of Interior has issued a statement urging citizens to remain calm following recent tremors, review their situations, explaining that reports of tremors recently felt in the country, as with all earthquakes, are “only natural,” stating that they were not different to other major phenomena in Syria that its denizens have learned to live with.

Interior Minister Muhammad al-Rahmoun addressed the nation, dismissing concerns. "How long do earthquakes last? Three seconds? Fifteen minutes?” he said. “How does that compare to the 2023 earthquake or the Hama earthquake of 1982?" 

He added that current tremors are negligible compared to the broader challenges facing the country, including global conspiracies, imperialism, and more solid issues such as the Caesar Act and essential goods shortages.

Al-Rahmoun further emphasized the resilience of the Syrian people, stating, "The earthquake is not the end. Our citizens have patriotically withstood airstrikes, bombs, conflict. There is more to come.”

The Minister also addressed the issue of compensation, noting that those affected by any earthquakes would need to sign a written waiver releasing the government from liability for damages, as well as giving the government exclusive rights to managing financial aid, relief supplies, and international support.