The Taliban Funds Scientific Project to Create Women without Genitalia
Fathi Al-Atramani - AlHudood Correspondent for Sharia
16 Sep 2024

The Taliban government, working with the Sharia Supervisory Board, has announced a 10 million afghani government research project aimed at “curbing the corrosive influence of women on the Afghan social fabric.”
The project will unfold in two phases. The first is based on retiring existing women, relegating them to segregated cemeteries and limiting their influence. The second phase spans 20 years, during which gender transition clinics and hormone therapy are provided across the country. Men who refuse to fight under the banner of God when they turn twelve are sent to these clinics to transition to womanhood with the goal of becoming pregnant and giving birth to men who will fight under the banner of God. After giving birth to a third male child, they then are allowed to transition back into masculinity.