US supplies Israel with advanced military equipment to impose permanent peace on Palestinians
Fathi al-Atarmani - Bloody peace correspondent
11 Oct 2023
After marking a great success in waking up and remembering where he was and what he was doing, President Joe Biden’s advisors briefed him on what was happening in the Gaza Strip; explaining the difference between Al-Aqsa Flood and Swords of Iron operations.
“Who still uses swords anyway?” Mr. Biden immediately asked, before slamming his desk -a little too hard- and advises the IOF to launch an urgent peace operation on the Palestinians, before the situation escalates to Israel’s will being broken and is forced to end its 16 year embargo on Gaza.
U.S. ally Jordan once again came to the rescue on the first day of the retaliatory attacks where the Prince Hasan U.S. Air Base provided emergency support to the Israelis with fighter jets and all the necessary equipment to help contain the situation to the side of Jordan’s raison d’etre as quickly and decisively as possible.
U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has expressed hopes that this would keep the right balance, “Round tables and annual meetings alongside TNT, phosphorus, depleted uranium, and vacuum bombs can sustain the current peace for another seventy five years.”