India apologizes for hate speech against Muslims and pledges to only ethnically cleanse them
30 Jun 2022

The Indian government apologized for anti-Muslim statements made by a ruling party official, clarifying that they were not intended to offend the world’s 1.5 billion Muslims, only the 200 million living in the country, and pledged to limit such attacks to inter-communal violence, forced displacement and local ethnic cleansing.
The government stressed in an official statement its efforts to limit religious-inspired tensions in the country.
“Since its creation, India has witnessed waves of tension between Hindus and Muslims for religious reasons, despite our continued efforts to limit them,” the statement said. “Therefore we have decided to focus our efforts to solve this problem at its roots and to eliminate the feelings of hatred among the nation’s Hindus by removing the cause of this hatred - Muslims.”
The government said it would be more cautious when offending the remaining Muslims in the world, and will ensure such abuse is more direct and physical, given that unplanned abuse creates discord and problems without eliminating the economic threat posed by Muslim fruit sellers, tailors and plumbers.
In a related development, the Chinese and Indian foreign ministers held a meeting discussing reducing border tensions between the two nuclear powers, and cleansing the continent of demographic impurities.
The Chinese foreign minister said his country does not want a unipolar Asia where Beijing has exclusive authority over large scale crimes, but that it believes in India’s pivotal role in destroying minority groups in the region.